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NYC/CCC&St. L - New York Central/Big Four, CIND Subdivision - Indiana & Ohio, CIND Subdivision
Historic photo of former CL&A track passing the Fernbank railroad station, looking north at the approximate location of US-50 and Catalpa Road after conversion to streetcars. In 1918 when the company was retrenching with new lightweight equipment and purchased power, they also eliminated double-track street running on Gracely Drive in favor of a new single-track right-of-way next to the Big Four Railroad. The track had to bend around the commuter rail station. A similar situation existed with the Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee's Shore Line where the interurban's tracks had to bend around the Chicago & Northwestern's numerous commuter train stations. US-50 now occupies the land to the right.
Provided by Phil Lind.
File Name: 0039_10007287_10201521376498266_1167289552_o.jpg