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Cincinnati Roads & Viaducts
1948 USGS map showing the Wright-Lockland Highway/Mill Creek Expressway south of Glendale-Milford Road. Note that there are more at-grade intersections here, including at Glendale-Milford. The little road continuing north of that intersection was called Lockland Road. It was on the former canal bed, which shortly north of here curved to the east to connect with present-day Evendale Drive. The current Glendale-Milford interchange, as well as the rest of I-75 north through I-275, were built between 1959 and 1961. This stretch of highway was upgraded to interstate standards, and the Neuman Way collector/distributor was added at the same time the Lockland Split was constructed in 1964/65.
Date: 01-24-2009 | File Name: 0041_DSC_1893.jpg